Friday, March 11, 2011

What Makes a Good Wine Club?

I've been thinking about wine clubs because I was able to work the NW Womens Show and many women I spoke to told me about different wine clubs they belong to. I asked what their wine club was like and I got a variety of answers. Some wine clubs offer membership with no monthly fee. But the member is invited to come monthly or quarterly and visit the winery and purchase certain wines only made available to members. Some wine clubs will ship wines to members every month or every quarter for a fee. The amount of wines shipped will be based on the retail price of the wines that month or quarter. In other words, if you pay $70/month for a wine club you will receive 3 or 4 bottles a month worth $70.

It's very interesting to me because WineShop at Home's wine club is very unique I think. Our wine club has no contract. It's $29.95/mo + t&s for 2 bottles of wine or $57.50/mo + t&s for 4 bottles of wine. The member can choose the color, all red, all white, or both, and can change that decision at any time. For example some people may want all whites in the summer and reds in the winter. The wines chosen for the wine club are not based on value, but are based on the new wines we release every month. WineShop releases 4 new wines every month and they go to the wine club members first, then trickle down into the samplers to be available to the public... the ones that don't sell out first that is. Each wine has a card with winemaker notes and a handpicked recipe to be especially delicious with that wine. Some months a member can receive $85+ worth of wine just because that is the price of the wines being released that month!

WineShop has also rolled out a new feature to the wine club where members are invited to a "virtual tasting" with the winemaker. Every month he has a conference call with just members and he goes over the flavors, aromas, and production of each wine released. Members can ask questions and learn more about the wine and food pairings.

So, tell me... I would really like to know from you... what makes a good wine club?

For more information on the wine club offered by WineShop @ Home, click here. There's even a special offer, just for giving it a try! :)

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