Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our Party Was A Hit!!!!

Our party was unbelievably good.

I set up my little tasting notes and started. Kristy and I work all of our parties together thank goodness because I could not do it without her. We passed out the tasting menus and glasses and while she poured the tastings, I explained the steps for looking at the wine for clarity, swirling the wine, smelling the wine, and then tasting the pour. Everyone was engrossed and holding up their glasses and asking what it was we were checking for, etc. It was great!

We started with the Albion Viognier (Vee-ohn-yay) which was everyone's favorite white. It was very good. Everyone shouted that they could taste pear, in fact I could too. I handed around the tasting notes and description of the wine for people to look at along with the pairing recipe on the back of the card for Crab Cakes. We sold several bottles of that wine it was so good!

Then there was the Milano Cellars Pinot Grigio, which is one of my all time favorite wines that I always have on hand in my fridge. This one is very good and crisp.

I really wish I had been able to make my own notes on all of these wines because then I could really describe it, but I was in a whirlwind of presenting and didn't have time to make my own notes on anything. I'll try to do better, promise. But if you really want to know how good the wines are, just set up a party with us and you can taste them all for yourself! :)

Then we tasted Sun Fish's Pinot Noir... soooo gooood. That's really all I can say. EVERYONE loved that wine. We sold plenty of it!

Our fourth taste was the Mariana Vineyard Petite Sirah. It's good and has a much tangier flavor due to all the berries, blackberry, blueberry, cherry. It has good tannin too. (I'll be honest, I'm not sure if that's really how to describe the tannin or not...)

The fifth taste was Albion Cuvee Rouge, another favorite. It's a special red blend, 50% merlot, 25% Sirah, and 25% Zinfandel. An excellent red wine to serve guests, plus you look cool with a blended wine that you can explain - Ha!

Finally was another major favorite, Talmage Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon. This one has a label that you can order personalized for events or corporate branding, etc. It's an extremely good, easy drinking wine. One of my personal favorites of the evening.

So, for our party - we sold $200 more than the average party!!! So the lesson, if I can do it you can do it. Everyone had a blast, we got 2 more parties booked and several wine club memberships sold.

Here are my favorite wines from the party that I recommend to anyone. The Albion Viognier, the Sun Fish Pinot Noir, and the Talmage Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon.

Here's my only regret of the evening. We were so consumed with presenting the information that Kristy and I completely forgot to take pictures! Next time in 2 weeks we'll get some pictures up to show how fabulous and swanky these parties are!